PT Day of Service (PTDOS) is about creating positive change on the local level, for global effect. Here’s how to get started:
Step 1: Find a place or organization to serve. Consider how you enjoy serving, what makes you most comfortable, and your community's needs. Check out our list of past projects and organizations to help you brainstorm ideas!
Step 2: Determine how you will serve. Research the website and/or contact the organization to decide how to serve. The organization may need volunteer time, supplies, and/or monetary donations. If they need volunteers, coordinate when and how. If they need donations, set-up a fundraiser or supply drive.
Step 3: Promote your PTDOS Service Project. Encourage others to join your project by sharing it via email, social media, or good ol’ word of mouth. Sharing pictures of your project can encourage others to join in future projects!
Thanks again for your service. Without the dedication of our ambassadors, this day would not be possible!