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Social Media Posts

Sharing acts of service will be an important part of PT Day of Service. Please feel free to use the below posts or create your own! We only ask that you include #PTDOS in all posts so we can help promote the message.

@PTDayofService is on October 12th,2024! Visit to learn more about how you can become involved! #PTDOS

#ThinkGlobalActLocal Join the global initiative to serve our communities! @PTDayofService #PTDOS

@PTDayofService is a global initiative to unite the physical therapy profession in bettering our communities! #PTDOS

@PTDayofService will take place on 10/12/24! Updates & details leading up to the day can be found here: #PTDOS

Just pledged to be an ambassador for #PTDOS! Join me in the global movement to unite the #physicaltherapy profession by pledging here!

Hey, @(fill in Twitter handle) join me on 10/12/24 to bring #physicaltherapy to our communities! #PTDOS

Just pledged to be a part of #PTDOS on 10/12/24! Join me in the global movement to unite the #physicaltherapy profession by pledging here!

Facebook Posts:
PT Day of Service is a global initiative to unite the physical therapy profession in bettering our communities, to inspire others to participate in service and to educate the public on what physical therapy is and what we do as a profession!

PTDOS will take place on 10/12/24 and more details for becoming involved in the day can be found here: or by emailing!

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